We just saw, Japan’s Government Bond 20 Year rate went down to historical lowest 0.700% on Feb 19, 2016 . On the other side, Japan Building Fund REIT , the largest REIT in Japan saw the net increase of rent rate for the first time in 6 and a half years. Japanese REIT’s dividen to price rate is like 3 – 4% now. REIT is effectively, or in tax point of view, direct investment from investors. However, practically the properties are owned and managed throught fund managers and management companies, and usually only invest in those excellent solid well known properties which are very hard to buy with bargain price. Off course that’s the safe bet for fund managers in the long run, but some smart investor may gain more by finding out a new way of utilizing the properties. Direct investment in Properties require some due diligence and professional know how to manage while you hold them, but it’s true that’s where surplus return comes from. Our zweispace partners have net 5% or more income generating properties or can introduce those opportunities. With 50% loan with low interest rate discussed above, investors can expect around 10% return after interest paid. Our partners have lots of opportunities not disclosed publicly usually. So, please feel super to contact directly to the person in charge of our partners in Japan. Or contact Zweispace for English/other language assistance.
For the Properties List by Zweispace Partners